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What is Homeschooling and all you need to know about it

September 06, 2021
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Consider a school where your child receives a real-world, hands-on arithmetic session with individualized instruction, followed by a flexible time frame to work on a class presentation. They receive regular feedback from their teacher on their progress, and their grades are skyrocketing! And what if that school was right in your own home? You may have your own thoughts about what it’s like to homeschool, but it’s time to broaden your horizons! Homeschooling is on the rise again, and it’s more relevant than ever.

Maybe you’re thinking about homeschooling your kids right now, but you’re not sure where to begin. Maybe you just want to know how it works. This bird’s-eye view of homeschooling will provide you with the information you need to determine the next best step for your family, no matter what your current situation is.

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What is Homeschooling?

You’ve probably heard a lot lately about homeschooling. While homeschooling has long existed, the COVID-19 pandemic gave it a big boost in popularity. To put things in perspective, over 2.5 million U.S. children in grades K–12 were homeschooled prior to COVID. That number has nearly doubled in only a year.

Homeschooling is essentially parent-guided & instructed education in the privacy of their own home. Families may opt to homeschool their children for a variety of reasons, but one of the most common is creative independence. Homeschooling allows parents to create their own curriculum, adjust their school schedule to meet their family’s needs, and even take learning on the road (which is why it’s so popular among young artists and performers!).

Some families hire homeschool tutors or enroll in co-ops with other homeschoolers, but educating their children is ultimately their responsibility. That may seem frightening but bear with us as we delve further. These days, homeschooling is gaining ground among parents of IGCSE & IB Curricula which extensively rely on original thinking & application-based learning.

There are many homeschooling benefits. It focuses on crucial areas including customized instruction and social and academic enrichment without the negative consequences of bullying. Every child can benefit from ‘tailored learning’ and comprehension when they are homeschooled. This is the method that works best for parents. Personalized learning allows your child to learn at their own speed, in their preferred style, and at their own level. Homeschooling opens up a world of possibilities for everyone, including those with special needs.

Children who are tired of the rigid structures of schools and their curriculum, as well as students who are weak in certain subjects, can benefit from homeschooling. Homeschooling curriculum, according to Ray (2004), as referenced in Watson, 2019, allows for more flexibility in events and study.

As a result, homeschooled children have more freedom to approach their subjects and hobbies from many perspectives and to experiment with a more fluid way of learning. There are some of the benefits of homeschooling. Homeschooling is viewed as a very successful option to traditional schooling now more than ever.

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beGalileo can play an important role when your child is homeschooling. From understanding the concepts to developing analytical and logical thinking, beGalileo’s online math classes help kids fall in love with the subject within the first few sessions.